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Twisted Mule Push Up |
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You owe it yourself to experience the most uniquely effective upper body strength system in existence due to its superiority in building muscle, strength gains, core training, improved joint health and stability, functional shoulder mobility, and firing your metabolism for weight loss and general health improvement. LOOK LIKE A STALLION… FUNCTION LIKE A MULE. Become muscled and sleekly cut like a majestic stallion. But preferring only steady terrain and less heavy loads, horses take a backseat to mules, who are stronger, can better handle heavy loads, and better negotiate difficult terrain. Grind out those pushups on the Twisted Mule and you will see a stallion in the mirror while possessing, on the inside, the optimum functionality of the mule.
Intro to B.A.S.I.C.-Mule 101 Belden B.UILDing muscle mass. A nod to Joe Belden, one of the finest strength coaches in the US, who has pioneered the use of this push-up system for years. A total upper body gym for “compound movements are the center of a body building program” -Dr.Jacob Wilson, PHD CSCS*D CEO of Applied Science and Performance Institute. While doing twisting pushups, all your upper body muscles turn into prime movers, training muscles in multiple simultaneous concentric-eccentric (positive-negative) patterns that are hard to all identify. This makes the Twisted Mule superior to conventional strength training for building muscles. Your biceps and triceps, chest and lat muscles will all be engaged at the same time as you twist and go up and down. With conventional lifts, this does not take place – while doing a lat pulldown the body forces the chest muscles to rest; while doing a triceps pressdown the body forces the biceps to rest. Various grip and bar positions will train muscles in similar exercise movements as bench pressing, lat pulldowns, shoulder flies, pec flyers, rows, bicep curls, dip/tricep grips… all while simultaneously doing pushups. Our two-year development, on top of Coach Belden‘s principles, and the best “time under tension” principles for this breakthrough exercise system will build more muscle mass than conventional strength training. And the ability to increase “progressive tension overload” will never reach an end… in other words we will show you ways to continue to progress so that your muscles never reach accommodation, you won’t “plateau”, or become stagnant. And if your goal IS NOT to build a lot of mass, we have protocols for that as well. A.THLETICISM Just as the best movements for the lower body – squats, lunges – involve the hips moving and not in a fixed position, the same holds true for the best movements for the upper body – pressing, pulling – if the shoulders are moving and not in a fixed position, which occurs with DB’s bars, bands. Our beginning strength place with training baseball players have seen bat and throwing speeds increase. A past lead kettlebell instructor for CrossFit, who trains on our systems, marvels at how all of your muscles feel so well connected. Can’t you just see how that would aid a football player blocking and tackling, a wrestler, a basketball player squeezing and pulling in a rebound, and on and on? S.TRENGTH increases Every user of the Twisted Mule who went exclusively with our workout programming, and then went back to trying their conventional lifts such as bench press, pulldowns, etc., after just 2-3 workouts on the Twisted Mule, has reported to us that their bench press, pulldown, etc. lifting capability goes up significantly. A conventional strength training workout, that include bench press, lat pulldown, etc., involves isolation exercises that keep the shoulders in a fixed position. These do not give the connected feeling provided by Twisted Mule pushups that our CrossFit friend has experienced and explained to us. So, for example, after training on the Twisted Mule, if you go on the bench press, you will feel a connected strength in your back, chest, and shoulders that you have never before felt or experienced on the bench press descent and ascent. And these Twisted Mule strength gains are absolutely functional, as opposed to lying on your back under a bar, sitting on a pad and doing pulldowns, the “beach baby” bicep curls, even suspended in the air on a dip stand. The Functional Twisting Mule, with shoulders rotating side-to-side and up-and- down. Not Racehorse muscles that just look good and are just good in one direction on a flat surface.
If we hear again, “to prevent joint strain from returning… warm up properly, use proper form, if you feel pain take time off, pay attention to your body’s signals, blah-blah-blah”; WE WILL BEAT OURSELVES ON THE HEAD WITH OUR TWISTED MULE PUSHUP BAR! Those above advice items that are said are an insult to many people who train properly but still develop joint issues. In many ways training in the basic lifts with barbells, DB’s, and even bands where the shoulders do not move, and sometimes the elbows as well, are basically not sustainable. For many it is not a matter of “if” you will sustain a joint injury, but “when”. Obviously, with any exercise program you must proceed at your own risk, and consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have. And, of course, with our relatively new product, a doctor or PT won’t have any knowledge of twisting pushups. We are not out to tell you that if you have suffered some traumatic joint injury, such as tearing your rotator cuff, this will be the solution to such things. But if you have a nagging injury or you want to strength train in an amazingly intense but simple fashion and limit unavoidable joint stress over time - that occurs in traditional strength training - the Twisted Mule will be the best system you could ever try.
The Twisted Mule could act as both your personal therapist and your holistic injury prevention specialist. The list is long with users who have said, for example, “I fractured my wrist years ago; I have wrist pain and can’t do pushups” – wrist pain gone after two workouts. (The round, thick handles keep wrists straight – not pulled back like a pushup on flat surface).
Before trying first rep on Twisted Mule… “My elbow hurts when I do pushups or bench press.” After first few reps… “Hey, this doesn’t hurt my elbow.”
After five workouts… “Look how much farther I can reach my hand down my back.”
“This has really improved my neck’s range-of-motion.” Instead of neck strengthening exercises that just focus on the neck itself, the twisting motion works the neck - and shoulders, back, and core - in a compound movement from the trapezius covering the back of the shoulders and neck with areas below including the spine, scapulae, clavicles and ribs. Turning the neck while doing a twisting pushup strengthens all the aforementioned areas at the same time, working and connecting all of the areas simultaneously. Physical therapists have lots of neat shoulder exercises that hit - by isolating - small and auxiliary muscles. Twisting pushups hit those same muscles while engaging the big, prime mover muscles at the same time. |